Tuesday, 3 November 2009

‘The Race Card’ playing in the UK.

In the USA this is played and used by most blacks, as Dave Chappelle said ‘sometimes its fucking sweet’. (Truth be told he maybe right) but it seems the great one from the BNP and some money loving Negros in the Metro have been starting to use the card in situations that are P.R constructed which is quite sad and boring. (I had high hopes that Mr Griffin would be as good as Glen Beck and hopefully challenges are great politicians, but he not even in his league in terms of creative mindset)

If people keep using this to benefit their bank accounts via churnalism and become a lover for sensationalism. ‘The Race Card’ will be played out as a joke and a tool for ignorance that might end up costing someone who has been ashamed or abused justice. (I feel like I work for South Park – Preachy– Boo!)

The Daily Show explains ‘The Race Card’ best.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Playing the Race Card
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