Sunday, 23 May 2010

Does Welfare play a big part in ‘Hatred’?

After listening to Mr Johnny rebel (Please listen to one of his songs below)

The main fuelling for his lyrics seem to stem from preconceived notions that Niggas are lazy and just wait for the state to help. Which in partly is true.

This got me thinking about troubles from the health care debate in the USA, the bailout from the banks and the aftermath of this. Which has and will create ugly scenes.

But if everyone worked, did his or her job correctly and the dependence stopped, would there be less hatred in the world? (I think maybe slightly, but there is always Religion to cause problems but that is a thought for another day)

With Banks being insolvent in Europe and the apparent Dooms day coming June 22nd in the U.K – (Shakedown Time). I fear people will not appreciate the fact that Casino Capitalism has created a trend of corporate bailouts which the average taxpayer will find hard to take. Which will lead to the blame game – ‘Why do I have to pay tax to help the poor and the banks’? Violence is not the answer but Transparency, Effective Solutions (Legalise Prostitution and get the VAT from drugs) Education, Training, Fair/Smart Tax system and effective ways of creating efficient spending is the key to avoid such problems. But with no money left in the kitty it will interest times ahead for morals and standards of living.

I have always been bought up to believe everyone has to do their bit for society and those that try to bring it down or threaten the lively hood of others should be cut off or punished in someway. (Is someone going to prison from Goldman Sachs and Expense Scandal?) But people live in a society where everyone is equal in terms of human rights, but maybe this applies to what you look like, what Religion you are and what country you from.
Nothing wrong with needing help, but to take the majority of Taxpayers as piggy banks it not the way to win heart and minds.

Solutions, solutions.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Is Sarah Silverman a Sell out?

I love her really, just strange to see her get some commercial success, which is probably deserved, but don’t know if all will get her sense of humor.
Hope she does not have to tone it down or turn corporate like Eddie Murphy did. Was shocked to read in her Playboy interview that she never been called pretty by former partners. (Are Jews allowed to be associated with Playboy?)
Love her in one of my favourite sketches below.

The Sarah Silverman ProgramThursday, 12am / 11c
Joke of the DayStand-Up ComedyFree Online Games

Her Simpson’s appearance came across dry and forced, but whom do Simpsons entertain these days. (Wonder what her new man thought about her working for a one-time enemy) Will give The Simpsons abit of respect for ‘Stealing First Base’ esp.   Bart -‘ Why can’t you be the same person two days in a row’ damn women

Hope she comes back to England one day, but with more material.

Monday, 22 February 2010

BBC ‘Death Value’ List

I for one do not like the thought of having to make up a list of who’s death has more value then another, but if the powers that be at the BBC have to create a list of life value then so be it.

(Apparently, every life has value – Cue laughter)

Death Value Category One

The Queen, Princes Philip, Charles and William. (What has poor Harry done to be left out, he a younger version of Philip – Maybe he should use the word ‘Paki’ more)

Death Value Category 2 (The normies)

Princes Harry, Andrew and Edward, Princess Anne, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Barack Obama.Their deaths will not trigger a newsflash on BBC1 or BBC2 while great programming such as ‘Silent Witness’ maybe on.

It's interesting to see who stands where in the lists. As a populist who likes to rant sometimes, I would not expect the BBC or anyone to make a list like this public. (Should check source, I did read this in the Metro) Wonder what value the BBC has on the likes of Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and Henry Paulson

News and their values – (Cue laughter)


Saturday, 16 January 2010

Intelligence vs. Fear.

What will win in 2010 or should I say prevail. Its looks like fear and fundamentalists ideologies are taking over the media in all formats especially in the USA. Ignorance really does not help anyone and its something I don’t think the world needs more of.

Looks like some of the Italian’s are jumping on the 'seek and destroy' bandwagon

Inciting the so-called ‘Problem solvers’ and ‘Uneducated masses’. Most of this is seen in the USA because of the mass media platform they have. We here in the UK have are own problems but are probably are more rational, but not by much.

As one fellow blogger put it ‘Hate continues to impact nations as long as anyone continues to think they are superior to anyone that looks/thinks different. We are all God's creatures, we are all the same’
 (Maybe not in terms of money but you get the point – I hate you ‘Wampum’ not really. Maybe the word ‘God’ is also a problem)

For some reason a lot of people think the government controls most of what goes on in society. i.e. the banks and most corporations, it’s surely the other way around. As Lord Stokes stated – ‘Politicians have no powers anymore. The UK is now a commercial trading country’

Mindsets of the hardcore BNP, Republican Party and Islam4UK (Or whatever they called now) have the ability to inspire ignorance and fear. I understand the hate is triggered from memory and instinct stemmed from religion, 9/11 and all things involved in terrorism and bad events. But the increase in emotional fear spreading will increase the pointless death toll even more and maybe things such as ‘Drafts’ might occur in the future, if ex CIAs or current ones keep pushing their ideologically and emotional fears with silly quotes - ‘80% of Muslims are against US foreign policy’ (What are the other 20% thinking? And where is the source for this quote?)

And Islam4UK - al-Muhajiroun. Choudary crying out for an Islamic revolution in Britain and Lord Mandelson to be stoned to death for being a gay.
(Maybe everyone one should start using Propanolol, I was reading it takes the edge of fear.)

Found an article, which seemed quite helpful - 5 Simple Ways to Increase Intelligence. Link is below.

Nietzsche – ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’

(Hope I don’t get blown up on Tube after writing this. It will be your entire fault ‘Globalisation’)

But I do hope more things like the Guantánamo Bay reunion are shown more often. Don’t think anyone in USA will be showing this anytime soon. (Prove me wrong Colbert and Stewart)