Monday, 22 February 2010

BBC ‘Death Value’ List

I for one do not like the thought of having to make up a list of who’s death has more value then another, but if the powers that be at the BBC have to create a list of life value then so be it.

(Apparently, every life has value – Cue laughter)

Death Value Category One

The Queen, Princes Philip, Charles and William. (What has poor Harry done to be left out, he a younger version of Philip – Maybe he should use the word ‘Paki’ more)

Death Value Category 2 (The normies)

Princes Harry, Andrew and Edward, Princess Anne, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Barack Obama.Their deaths will not trigger a newsflash on BBC1 or BBC2 while great programming such as ‘Silent Witness’ maybe on.

It's interesting to see who stands where in the lists. As a populist who likes to rant sometimes, I would not expect the BBC or anyone to make a list like this public. (Should check source, I did read this in the Metro) Wonder what value the BBC has on the likes of Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and Henry Paulson

News and their values – (Cue laughter)