Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Mr Simpleton.

 After listening to Mr Colbert and Uncle Ruckus over the years. I will have try and cut down on my Racial Slurs, even if I do understand the word ‘Context’. (Example, don’t use the word ‘Coon’ to loosely in Brixton KFC on a Saturday night) However, the most worrying aspect is the use or loose way this is starting to become the Norm in everyday Industries or Markets – Political, Sports etc. (It’s ok in some ways because I am a fan of the ‘Truth’ and what people really think, but this can sometimes be scary)

So, will now try and use words that can relate to everyone and thing without race, religion being involved etc. When trying to make a comment or relating to a negative stereotype.(Will the words ‘Nigga’ and ‘Jew’be missed?) The word ‘Simpleton’ (Imagine Might Mouse song playing while said) Will now be used more often to describe One, if called for.

Def – ‘Simpleton’ - A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

‘Criminality’ and that is all.

Will try to reframe from using colourful language in relation to these events. (Apologises if any spelling errors etc)

I keep hearing the word ‘Poor’,’Underclass’ and ‘Inequality’

Now these words can be used in many contexts, my idea of the ‘Poor’s’ in this country are the Homeless. (Did not see or have ever heard of them rioting before)
These events are pure and raw ‘Criminality’. Trying to relate the riots to other things, results in many people scoring political points ,over analysis of why people are ‘Sick’ (To quote are P.M) and causing race issues.
Example of making a statatement is the Police. We all know they have dealt with worse and can do better. But for some reason they have been/feel they have to hold back. A great example of not holding back is the area of Battersea who used the ‘Jankels’. (Visual power goes along way).Example of letting ‘Criminality’ take place is when you see people breaking into shops in broad daylight and instead of stopping this, they holding back camera crews and turning up one at a time.(They made their point now, we all respect the police more)

I read ‘Self interest’ etc, but everything a human being does is out of self interest from giving to charity to buying pants.

 I hear ‘Social inequalities’. Going to guess that this means ‘groups that do not have social status.’
(The last time I checked the below is available to UK citizens)

Voting rights.

Freedom of speech (You can write, post blogs, hold rally’s etc etc.UK does not have the best reputation in terms of this, but we don’t live in Iran)

Education. Not the best, but at least we learn to read and count if we want to. Key word ‘Want’. Also if we want to go university, then find the damn money from somewhere. I remember monkeys like me washing plates, doing Night shifts etc to get through uni. In other places like the USA no one gets a handout and fees are higher than here. We have libraries also which are free. An example of what a library can do is proven by William Kamkwamba. (I got no sympathy for anyone who is apparently ‘poor’ after hearing this dude)

Health Care. It free, again not great. But try living in other countries where you got to pay.

If the issue is ‘Economic inequality’ then people need to stop using banks and start following the Mr Cable route and attack ‘Capitalisalism’. (I am sure everyone has dealt with a bank before and maybe taken out a loan, which has improved their lives in some way).

The bottom-line is ‘Criminality’ from top to bottom has been allowed to take place because of weak laws to benefit ‘Human right’ organisations and weak departments that either want to make a point or are just incompetent in general.

London is suppose to be a world class city and now it’s turned into a joke because some riff raff saw Tottenham get free stuff and run a mock. So the ‘Copycat’ element has now happened. Yes lots of things can be changed to make things better, but people need to have some shame and perspective first before that starts happening and stop thinking that there will be some kind of ‘Utopia’ one day.

People will always cause problems, but allowing ‘Criminality’ to take place goes against why I pay tax.

To quote Gore Vidal.
As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests.’

Friday, 7 January 2011

Nigger or Slave? You decide!

SlaveOne bound in servitude as the property of a person or household.
2. One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence: "I was still the slave of education and prejudice" (Edward Gibbon).
3. One who works extremely hard. (Some would say, that is not a strong characteristic of politicians)

Nigger or Nigga - a. Used as a disparaging term for a Black person: "You can only be destroyed by believing that you really are what the white world calls a nigger" (James Baldwin) or behaving like one. (Nice Quote)

After hearing that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn will be redone to not offend, by swapping ‘N’ for ‘S’ (This clean out of using slurs could do wonders for people who type such words) As most rational people know the book is beyond such discussions and means a lot of different things to a lot of people whom have read it.

Those behind rewriting this book should be realistic and leave the N word in. If people are too narrow-minded to know what the fundamental of the word meant when it was used in only one term, then so be it. Keep it real and use the word in all its glory for the books intention.
Hopefully this new Huck Finn version will not cause a huge fuss, in terms of causing ‘Negrocity’ or protests to get the word banned from the English language forever. Of course it would be annoying to read out to kids but this would be a chance to explain what the word meant then and how any individual should not place too much emphasis on race. (The thought of a kid aged 6-12 asking what ‘Nigger’ means and someone explaining, would be something to behold)

To answer my own question. I would use the word ‘Nigger’. History should always be looked on to guide, so mistakes are not repeated. (I wish) But would love to hear what Uncle Ruckus has to say about this? Make a Boondocks film Mr Mcgruder?! Please. (Writing/Blog block over. Whoooooo! I coming for you Oscar Wild.lol)