Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Mr Simpleton.

 After listening to Mr Colbert and Uncle Ruckus over the years. I will have try and cut down on my Racial Slurs, even if I do understand the word ‘Context’. (Example, don’t use the word ‘Coon’ to loosely in Brixton KFC on a Saturday night) However, the most worrying aspect is the use or loose way this is starting to become the Norm in everyday Industries or Markets – Political, Sports etc. (It’s ok in some ways because I am a fan of the ‘Truth’ and what people really think, but this can sometimes be scary)

So, will now try and use words that can relate to everyone and thing without race, religion being involved etc. When trying to make a comment or relating to a negative stereotype.(Will the words ‘Nigga’ and ‘Jew’be missed?) The word ‘Simpleton’ (Imagine Might Mouse song playing while said) Will now be used more often to describe One, if called for.

Def – ‘Simpleton’ - A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool.