Thursday, 25 June 2009

Mr Samura, Mrs Edwards and Dispatches – BNP/Stormfront and the Ignorant want ‘Rape in the City 3’

If Sorious Samura and Dispatches executive producer Karen Edwards truly cared about the problems of rape and its causes. More air time would have been given to groups who want to help victims and social organisations who deal with this issue on a daily basis. Instead of focusing on the ignorant.

(The boys/men involved in this documentary should have their picture in the dictionary along side the word ‘Coon’).
Group rape is not simply a 'black male' issue (although apparently in 1998 and 2009 it is one!); it is a male issue and in some cases female. (Watch season five – Peep Show)

It is also an issue for ALL in our society. The programme made no attempt to discuss the social issues that create the conditions for these types of crimes to happen.

Below is some info from the channel 4 page relating to ‘Rape in the City’

Fortunately for us, the Metropolitan Police do keep a record of sorts. They told us that in the last year alone, a total of 108 people reported gang rapes, which they define as a rape involving 'three or more perpetrators'. Using this definition, we then spent the next four months trying to track down as much information as we could about as many cases as we could, verifying our information with the Crown Courts, Court Reporters and barristers. In the absence of comprehensive records, this proved to be a painstaking exercise.
We looked at offences involving perpetrators aged 25 and under, and managed to track down 29 cases in which a total of 92 young people were convicted of involvement in gang rape. Of those convicted, 66 of them were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Of the cases we found, two thirds of gang rapes occurred in London. We do not know if these were the only cases - they are simply the ones we could find.

The stats also don’t make sense, why follow 29 cases in London out of a possible 108? (They getting paid for this programme right?)

Doesn’t anyone care about the overall truth? I looked at figures for 06/07 and out of more than 9,000 plus offences and more in 07/08. (Again- they could only be bothered to find 29 cases involving gang rape and ‘Coons’)

Below is link to table from the Met Office. (Grim Viewing at any time of the day) It states the number of sexual related offences in 2006/2007. (If someone can correct me or provide me with more sources then please state)

(Creating documentary showing the plight/ignorance of others with no answers is just pandering to the ignorant and creating a divide, social smugness between all classes who live in the UK. The BNP and Stormfront forum will love Channel 4 for airing this)

Poverty does not give anyone a right to behave in the way some of these peoples do. But as long as there are human beings with evil mindsets and intent for harm there will always be problems in society.

(D.M hates Ass clowns)

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